Join Equity's Puppeteers' Network

Puppeteers' Network

Equity has over 1,200 members who have indicated they have puppeteering as a skillset and many of them work solely as puppeteers.

Puppetry comprises a whole range of disciplines such as: glove, animatronic, rod, marionette, table-top, shadow, body suit, creature, skin costume and parade and Punch and Judy.

Puppets can be used across all entertainment sectors including theatre, variety and cabaret, television and film and other recorded work such as TV commercials and training videos and online.

Equity Puppeteers’ Network

The Network was set up in 2016 so that Equity could work more closely with puppeteers to gain greater recognition for their skills and work issues which can be quite distinct from those of actors and other performers.  

There are regular hybrid meetings for puppeteers, currently held quarterly at Guild House, the Equity offices in London, with the option of joining online. 

Although Equity doesn’t cover the area of puppet making, those who make puppets are welcome to attend the independent meetings organised by members. For more details email

Staff have also held meetings in connection with puppetry events such as puppet festivals in Skipton, Beverley, Tunbridge Wells and Newcastle.

The Work So Far

At meetings of the Network the following has been discussed and actioned:-

Standard Contract Terms

The Network has drawn up some standard clauses for incorporation into theatre contracts. These have been adopted by the Independent Theatre Council (ITC), Society of London Theatre and UK Theatre. These clauses aim to improve health and safety in puppeteering as well as ensuring puppeteers are contracted correctly and are paid appropriately if they are contracted to do other duties.

Definition of Roles

To ensure the lines of puppeteering are not blurred such that maintenance of puppets for example is not rolled into the performing contract and that puppeteers are engaged as performers and not technicians.

Health and Safety

To ensure that the risk of injury to puppeteers is minimised by providing suitable breaks and access to physio or other remedy as required.

Job Advertisements

To address how puppeteering roles are advertised or how puppeteers are able to advertise their skills to potential engagers.

Recorded Media

To improve how puppeteers are treated during the contracting process and the information they are given of when they are required on set for filming.


To liaise with institutions providing training in puppeteering and talk to students about Equity and the Network and professional work.