Join Equity's Supporting Artists Network

Supporting Artists' Network

Out of a membership of 50,000, around 5000 Equity members define themselves as Supporting Artists. But there are thousands more Supporting Artists who don’t know they are eligible for the support union membership can bring.  

Supporting Artists work in challenging workplaces; are often underpaid, with little consideration for their welfare during long working days and vulnerable to work cancellation, high commission rates from their SA Agencies, delays in getting paid and now the very real threat posed by Artificial Intelligence (AI). 

If you know of any Supporting Artists who are not members urge them to join our Union.  

Launching the Supporting Artists Network 

Launching a Supporting Artists Network in 2024, is one of the priorities of our Screen Actors Committee, as well as having a dedicated Supporting Artist member on the Committee to champion the cause of Supporting Artists. The Committee proposes to launch the Supporting Artist Network by:  

1 - Convening a UK wide meeting of Equity members that define as Supporting Artists over zoom. 

2 - At this meeting propose the launch of a UK wide Supporting Artist network with the following aims: 

a) to educate supporting artists about Equity agreements, where to find them, why they should be familiar with them, where they apply geographically and where the FAA agreement applies.

 b) to inform members on what action they can take in the workplace if Equity contracts are not being used or if they’re being used incorrectly. What steps to take if the production wishes to body scan Supporting Artists at their

c) to encourage members to contact their National and Regional Officials if production companies are not willing to directly engage with members who are Supporting Artists about workplace issues.

d) to encourage Supporting Artists to connect with other members at their local Equity National and Regional branch meetings and to use these branches as forums to organise, educate, recruit, communicate with each other and feedback workplace issues to the Equity regional officials 

e) undertake collaborative work with our Sister Union BECTU/FAA

The Supporting Artists Network is here to empower Supporting Artists in Equity to organise and recruit their peers to fight for  prompt payment, not paying exploitative commission and the long-term strategy of raising pay and conditions. 

It is time for Supporting Artists to mobilise their numbers and be treated as the professionals they are, not hobbyists who should be grateful to be working long days in all weathers, providing their own transport and costume with no guarantee that work will not be cancelled the night before. 

Supporting Artists are skilled, experienced performers without whom the dramas on our screens would look unnaturally empty and unbelievable. Every Supporting Artist deserves dignity and protection in the workplace.