Political news

Equity responds to general election results

Paul W Fleming, General Secretary of Equity, comments on the formation of a new government saying "our new government must get to grips with the performing arts and entertainment."

Paul W Fleming, General Secretary of Equity, has commented on the formation of a new government following the UK election on 4 July, saying:

“With the election completed, our new government must get to grips with the performing arts and entertainment, a critical sector for the UK’s long-term success.

“We’ll be pressing the new administration to set out a long-term plan for UK arts funding to reach the European average, to tackle the high upfront fees charged by casting directories, to make Universal Credit fairer for freelancers, to ensure public subsidy only supports work on decent union terms, and to fight for better rights in the video games and TV commercials sector.

“There are no creative industries without this incredible workforce. It’s time politicians stand up and offer them the same recognition that is offered by audiences across the world.”

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