Legal news

Equity stands with the Shrewsbury 24

Today and tomorrow, the Court of Appeal will hear the appeal of the North Wales building workers who were prosecuted for picketing during the 1972 national building workers strike.

Equity stands in solidarity with the Shrewsbury 24 and Equity member Ricky Tomlinson.

General Secretary Paul W Fleming said:

"The near 50-year wait has not diminished the scale of the injustice meted out on the Shrewsbury 24. As trades unionists in 2021 we are still affected by the unanswered questions and wrongful imprisonment of brave working people just organising to advance and defend our rights.

"Equity member Ricky Tomlinson was one of those 24 denied justice, but he was galvanised by it, not broken. Our members will keep supporting Ricky and the Shrewsbury 24 and stand with them in hope that the hearings on the 3rd & 4th February deliver the justice they need and working people deserve."

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