Equity has today responded to the shock announcement that the Scottish Government has reinstated funding cuts to Creative Scotland, which the union says has put thousands of arts jobs at risk.
The cuts of £6.6 million to Creative Scotland, the public body which distributes funding from the Scottish Government to creative organisations across Scotland, were initially proposed by the Scottish Government several months ago.
However, after sustained pressure from groups including Equity members and activists, a U-turn on the original announcement was confirmed by then deputy first minister John Swinney in February of this year.
The reinstatement of these cuts comes just two weeks before funding awards were due to be received by Regularly Funded Organisations and has been called an "extraordinary betrayal" by the Creative Scotland.
Creative industry and culture sector jobs in Scotland account for 5.7% of total jobs in the county or roughly .
National Officer for Equity, Adam Adnyana, said:
“This sudden funding cut is unacceptable and puts the industry and many jobs in the sector at risk.
“We demand an urgent explanation from the Scottish Government as to why this has happened. I challenge the Cabinet Secretary for Culture, Angus Robertson, to explain to our members why he has put their livelihoods at risk with this cut to their funding.
“These cuts will put jobs at risk, and could be used to justify low pay offers, or encourage more precarious work for performers and creatives.”
Our petition to reverse the funding cuts can be signed here.