The new Surrey and Berkshire Branch on why you should play an active role in your Equity branch
As soon as you join Equity you become a member of your local branch. Branches are communities of members who meet regularly and campaign on issues facing the industry, both near you and nationally.
Branches ensure that Equity is led by its members by creating motions which can become union policy. They lead on local campaigns, from protesting against arts cuts in their area to joining forces with other branches to support a shared cause. Our latest branch is Surrey and Berkshire, and we caught up with Paula Southern, acting chair of the branch, to find out why getting active in your local branch is so important.
Can you explain why the Surrey and Berkshire Branch is launching as a new branch?
We have always been here and were previously known as Home Counties West General Branch. Unfortunately, there was waning interest in meetings, a few key members passed or moved away about 6 or 7 years ago and the branch dissolved. I always felt sad about it but was fortunate to be involved in Thames Variety and with the reshuffle we were included with the Oxford and Buckinghamshire Branch.
However the area of Berks, Surrey, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire is SO big, it’s unwieldy and realistically cannot meet the needs of the area’s members.
What are you looking forward to about running the branch?
I think the most important thing about branches is to enable members to feel they belong to something applicable to them and their professional lives, to network with those who live nearby and to meet for coffee and chats both for support, networking and for friendship.
I’m also looking forward to meeting new members and trying to enthuse them with what the union can offer, both with direct support to them - tax, collection of unpaid fees from engagers, advice etc - and the wider business of performers.
What are the main issues facing members of the branch or things that the branch wants to campaign on?
The branch membership is made up of everyone from actors, singers, puppeteers, comedians, backstage crew to children’s entertainers and those of us who work in niche fields. We need members to let us know if performance spaces in their area are being squeezed, if venues are not meeting professional standards of safety etc
So, our main drive will be to encourage members to find things that we can campaign on or just offer support, so that they feel they have a vested interest.
Equity is a union run BY its members FOR its members. To feel part of the union you need to be involved, it’s us, the members, who create the direction the union moves in!
Paula Southern, branch chair
Why is it important for Equity members to join their local Branch?
The advantage of being an active member of a branch is networking, knowledge of your rights and how to deal with them, knowing who to contact when you have issues, and knowing your Area staff members (ours are the fabulous Iain Croker and Matt Kite) who are willing and able to answer any or all of your problems (well most of them, not sure if they can help you find that lost sock!). And knowing what the union has to offer you in help and support, even it's just on the website - a mine of fabulous information.
How can members get involved in the Branch?
We are still putting the committee together and would love people to step up and help - it’s not arduous and many hands make light work! But mainly we need members to support the branch, come to meetings either in person (always best!) or join the meetings online.
Talk to the committee, tell us what you need, what speakers you’d like to hear from. Let us know if you are being unfairly treated at work - Iain and Matt, Equity's South East team, can help you and all follow ups are done discretely with no names mentioned - unless you decide to take a complaint further with your consent
Equity is a union run BY its members FOR its members, so any help is welcomed.
To feel part of the union you need to be involved, it’s us, the members, who create the direction the union moves in! So, if you would like to influence that then come along (and remember to vote in the upcoming committee elections!)
See you at the next meeting.
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