The Green Rider

Play your part to shape a more sustainable future for our industry. Join the Green Rider Movement.

Welcome to the Green Rider campaign

Film and TV is a high emitting sector. If we want to change that, creative workers need to stand together to demand better from industry bosses.

That’s why Equity for a Green New Deal created the Green Rider: a set of clauses you can add to your contract setting out the sustainable actions you are willing to take, and what you ask of the production in return. 

This can be opting for travel by trains over planes, avoiding over-sized trailers for star cast, and reusing sets and costumes.  

The Green Rider campaign was founded by Equity for a Green New Deal Network. It is an independent actor-led movement supported by Equity. The campaign runs social events, workshops and chances to connect with like-minded screen workers. If you would like to receive updates on the campaign please sign up via their website at Your details will not be shared with any other third parties.

Why us?

If not us, then who? If not now, then when?

Art has historically played its part in societal shifts: the 1980s cultural boycott of South African Apartheid, the rise of #MeToo, our industry’s resourceful adaptation to Covid, and 2023's WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes prove we have the power to act collectively and make big changes when necessary. Now is the time to take that same positive action on climate change.

Equity supports the creation and implementation of a Green Rider that:

Is formulated with input and advice from a diverse range of workers, productions, trade unions and suppliers.

Is equitable and fair.

Does not perpetuate existing discriminations or injustice.

Evolves in response to technological advancements and scientific knowledge.

Is adaptable to production and artist circumstances.

Is actionable, ambitious, and creative in its vision for a better future.

Actions you can take

1. Join the campaign

The Green Rider campaign is an independent actor-led movement supported by Equity. The campaign runs social events, workshops and chances to connect with like-minded screen workers. If you would like to receive updates on the campaign please sign up via their website at Your details will not be shared with any other third parties.

Sign up here

2. Follow Green Rider and Equity for a Green New Deal on Socials 

You can find them on instagram and X @greenriderorg and @equity4gnd. Follow and share to help spread the word and build the movement.

3. Sign our open letter

Add your name to The Green Rider Open Letter in support of the Green Rider 

Sign here

How do I use the Green Rider?

Riders aren’t just for superstars. They are included in all standard screen contracts. Usually these are clauses designed to protect the artist (for example, a nudity rider) and are embedded into Equity collective agreements or negotiated by agents and lawyers once you are offered a job.

An agent’s job is to push for what is best for their client - which usually means better pay, a bigger role, more flexibility or improved working conditions. But these terms are rarely negotiated with the environment in mind. Decisions made around travel, accommodation and catering all play a part in reducing emissions. This is where the Green Rider becomes useful.

Below is a guide for how to use the rider. We are well aware that as freelancers our employment is insecure. We all have different levels of power and influence and not every actor is in a position to take all the below steps. Please do what is achievable for you.

Guide to using the Green Rider

Examples of Sustainable Actions You Can Take:

  1. Take trains, not planes for travel in the UK and Europe.
  2. Take public transport to set or rideshare.
  3. If you have a low emissions vehicle, offer to drive to set.
  4. Fly economy where possible to reduce emissions.
  5. Suggest collaborating with Costume to source second hand, sustainably made or rented costumes.
  6. Suggest collaborating with Hair and Make-up to use your own products or sustainable brands.
  7. Ask to stay in accommodation with high sustainability ratings. This may require you to research the options production gives you and choose the most sustainable one (e.g. The hotel’s sustainability commitments, and how far it is from set).
  8. Bring your own reusable cutlery, dishes, coffee cups and bottles to set.
  9. Offer non-exclusive trailer/ three-way use so other actors can use your trailer when you are not there. This reduces the need for lots of energy-guzzling trailers on one set.
  10. Offer to promote the production’s sustainability efforts on your social media platforms.
  11. For more ideas, see the Green Rider Handshake.